Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who really needs to be rescued?

What is it with guys now days? Every few weeks or months an article or several show up in newspapers or magazines or on web sites and talks about how difficult it is to be a man in our modern society. I saw some book reviews recently that have prompted me to write this.

I have been to many men’s seminars that talk about the reasons why this happens to men and why it isn’t fair to men. Hopefully this gives you guys a hint that whining doesn’t solve things.

The old way of living with women is way over. You may remember that lifestyle where the woman was supposed to jump and get the man whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. Kinda like your parents may have lived depending on your age. To see what it was like go watch some episodes of ‘All in the Family’.

The women were forced or encouraged to stay home and take care of the kids or if they did work in most cases it wasn’t in a very high paying job. Men weren’t challenged and had no reason to change.

Since the 60’s that has been changing as women have demanded and received equal treatment in most cases. So what has really happened?

Women have gone on to complete high school and college in greater numbers than men so they now realize that they can do many of the things that men can do and sometimes more. This has also caused a problem for women in finding quality men to marry.

I think the big problem with men is their egos. Women have made choices and taken actions to equip themselves to succeed in life whether the men are doing the same or not. Actually I overheard a few women saying how they couldn’t wait to marry the guy they know who still lives with his parents and who gets the highest score on a certain video game. Yea right!

Guys you should stop reading the books that guys are writing, to make a lot of money, by telling you that life is unfair for men and start making decisions and taking actions to improve your self, to accomplish more.

Who is stopping you from running a marathon, climbing a mountain, rafting on the Colorado, skydiving, scuba diving, writing a book, driving a truck on the ice road, having a team in the Iditarod, surfing, driving a race car and whatever else it else it is that you aren’t doing. Is it a woman? Come on!

Oh and by the way you should know that your beauty doesn’t need to be rescued as John Eldredge in his various books including ‘Wild at Heart’ tries to convince you. Your woman is now qualified to do whatever you can do and maybe even more.

If you are really wild at heart then no man or woman is going to hold you back or limit you. The only one who can do that is you.