Tuesday, December 29, 2009


"Coach Addazio walked up to the front of the team, and it was one of the loudest rounds of ovations that I have been a part of in my entire life," Gators quarterback Tim Tebow said on Monday. "The team, the players clapped for probably three or four minutes for Addazio. It didn't stop."

"I just really felt great about their support," Addazio said. "Do you know what I mean? Ultimately, that's what it's all about. It's about players and the respect that they have. If you have that, you can push and you can drive. If you don't have that now, you can't do that."

"It's not about me," he said. "It's not. It sounds corny, but that's how I feel about it. ... I'm just interested in making sure our players are good, our coaches are good, Coach Meyer is good. We've got a lot of work to do now."

From 12.29.09 USA Today after Steve Addazio was announced as the Interim Head Football Coach of the Florida Gators.

The point of this quote is that leaders earn respect because of what they give (involvement, commitment, concern and respect for people). These leaders will have a team that will give a great deal of effort for them. Leaders who think their position or title entitles them to this type of respect won’t get it because the team knows that 'you' as the leader think it’s all about 'you'.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Below are quotes from two different men from two different periods of history and each achieved success in a different arena. Each has come to the same conclusion.

"The price of greatness is responsibility." — Winston Churchill, Statesman, Prime Minister of England during WWII

In the old days, words like sin and Satan had a moral certitude. Today, they're replaced with self-help jargon, words like dysfunction and antisocial behavior, discouraging any responsibility for one's actions.." — Don Henley
Singer/Songwriter/ Founding member of the Eagles

One way to determine those who don’t take responsibility is to see who they blame when something doesn’t work out - themselves or others. Politicians come to mind when I think about this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do you have to be right?

The May 6 entry in the devotional ‘My Utmost for His Highest’ by Oswald Chambers points out an interesting truth that addresses a problem I have had (and maybe still do) and I know some people at our church have.

Although I am not sure those people think this is a problem for them, they think their brand of Christianity is the only way.

What would Jesus call that? I think this is like James and John wanting to sit on either side of Jesus in Mark 10:35-45. Obviously they thought they were the only ones worthy of this, but to be worthy you have to believe you are the only one who is right.

Brothers and sisters who or what are you focusing on?
‘A spiritually-minded person will never come to you with the demand— "Believe this and that"; a spiritually-minded person will demand that you align your life with the standards of Jesus. We are not asked to believe the Bible, but to believe the One whom the Bible reveals (see John 5:39-40 ). We are called to present liberty for the conscience of others, not to bring them liberty for their thoughts and opinions. And if we ourselves are free with the liberty of Christ, others will be brought into that same liberty— the liberty that comes from realizing the absolute control and authority of Jesus Christ.

Always measure your life solely by the standards of Jesus. Submit yourself to His yoke, and His alone; and always be careful never to place a yoke on others that is not of Jesus Christ. It takes God a long time to get us to stop thinking that unless everyone sees things exactly as we do, they must be wrong. That is never God’s view. There is only one true liberty— the liberty of Jesus at work in our conscience enabling us to do what is right.’

Don’t get impatient with others. Remember how God dealt with you— with patience and with gentleness. But never water down the truth of God. Let it have its way and never apologize for it. Jesus said, "Go . . . and make disciples. . ." ( Matthew 28:19 ), not, "Make converts to your own thoughts and opinions."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dealing with enemies

This is a response to my wife’s blog Krack Up where she talks about enemies. Go to http://krack-up.com/blog/

I think what Jesus is trying to teach us is not only how important it is to love others but also that we will have to change in order to love our enemies or people we just don’t plain like.

Being a Christian and following Jesus means having to change your thoughts, your beliefs and your actions. Remember what Jesus told the rich young ruler? And what did the RYR do? He either couldn’t or wouldn’t change.

I think if he was smart he would have realized he could have given up the wealth, become a Christ follower and then earned it back with a new belief, a new attitude taught to him by Jesus. But even if he didn’t earn it back his life would have been so much better with Christ.

Those who won’t change are those who haven’t come to the end of themselves and they believe what they think and do is more important than what Jesus says.

Following Jesus is a process and goes way beyond believing, repenting and being baptized. Come on take some more step toward Jesus and live the way he wants you to.

You can do it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Denominations for $200

What fascinates me is how many people think that only they have the right answer to following Christ or being a Christian. To the point of being Pharisees.

Just this past week I heard that someone was not attending the right Bible Study.

What strikes me is that when Jesus recruited the disciples all He said was 'follow me'. I think if it was important what denomination or group you belonged to or who was your mentor He would have called that out almost immediately.

What if you don’t have the right answer when you get to Heaven and Jesus asks you what denomination you belonged to, or what group you were part of or who was your mentor? So if you don’t get that right you don’t get in?

I think the people who think they are the only ones with the right answers for Christianity may be keeping people away from Jesus. I don't want to have to answer for that one.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Could you handle it?

This past Tuesday I saw a documentary / movie titled ‘The Human Experience’ at Penn State that talked about life issues that disadvantaged people face from the homeless in New York City, children that are in need of care in Peru, HIV Aids infected people in Ghana and a leper colony in Africa have to deal with.

It was informative and moving but what it showed was that life is happening all over the world and it isn’t always good. Our reaction is critical to dealing with the bad hands that we are dealt.

In the film is seen a young boy in Peru with no arms and only one leg who was energetic and enthusiastic and didn’t complain. The same can be said for a man at the leper hospital. No complaints. No whining.

The film team, all in their late teens and early tenties at the time, went with the idea that they may be able to help the people who are disadvantaged and in need but many times they stated that those who appeared to have the problem or the handicap actually taught the members of the film team more.

The one thing that stands out and was heard was how important that faith is.

Makes you want to ask yourself - how strong is your faith?

You should check it out!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What do the words mean?

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."

- Rudyard Kipling

This quote expresses why we listen to the words that people speak but we ignore the actions of those people. Words can make us feel good just like drugs or alcohol so we will overlook things.

In an interesting piece in the April 15 Wall Street Journal titled ‘War by Any Other Name’ Joe Queenan talks about how people can be manipulated, distracted or even controlled by creating new generic phrases.

Some examples are:

War on Terror is now ‘overseas contingency operation’
Beheadings are now ‘cephalic attrition’
Genocide is now ‘maximum – intensity racial profiling’
Mass murders is now ‘peoples’ liberation army’

Guess what ‘off–site impasse adjustors’ is or ‘the ostensibly malefic’? Look them up at: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123958305263912309.html

The purpose is to make the new terms or phrases more acceptable and less offensive. After we use a phrase over and over we become comfortable with it and not as upset by its implications if it doesn’t sound as bad or horrific as the actual act.

If we aren’t careful we can forget what the phrase really means. And maybe we don’t want to be reminded of how bad life can be at times.

Actions speak louder than words is a phrase that will serve us better if we will only take the time to watch what others do and the way they act and then think about what those actions tell us.

Then check out the words they use to see if they describe the act or the action or do they seem like something designed to confuse you or mix up your thinking.

How much is enough?

‘As you cannot take a day off morally and remain moral, neither can you take a day off spiritually and remain spiritual. God wants you to be entirely His, and it requires paying close attention to keep yourself fit. It also takes a tremendous amount of time. Yet some of us expect to rise above all of our problems, going from one mountaintop experience to another, with only a few minutes’ effort.’

- April 15, 2009 ‘My Utmost for His Highest’ Daily Devotional by Oswald Chambers


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Iron Sharpens Iron

The local Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference is coming up soon on Saturday, May 2, 2009, in Harleysville, PA at the Branch Creek Community Church.

The conference is based on the scripture: ‘As Iron Sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another’ Proverbs 27:17

Why should you go to a Men’s conference?

So you can learn more and grow closer to God
So you can model what the men you are leading should do to grow
To get around other Christian Men and see their faith and commitment to Christ
To hear specifically what God wants you to hear and learn
To be around men who love God
To be around men who are struggling in their relationship with God
There are many more reasons

When you say that you already know all that stuff, is that God talking or you?

Check the website for more information and also to see the other ISI Conferences going on around the country


Order your tickets now and let me know that you are going.

Whose will?

I have always related well to Charles Stanley because when I hear him speak or read his books I know he has gone through the situations that he is talking about. I started to have a hunger to know God from his teaching and guidance. He is both a model and a mentor as he desires to serve God.

In this short piece from his book, ‘10 Principles for Studying Your Bible’ Stanley relates that he ‘…realized that many times God’s plan is not something we can understand from a human perspective. I had a pressing desire to pray and read His Word.’

‘There was also an emotional churning within me that would not stop. I found great comfort through reading the Psalms and studying how David gave himself completely to the Lord. He held nothing back, and this is exactly what God wanted me to do – give all of myself to Him. Over a few weeks He revealed to me that He was indeed going to move me (to Atlanta from Bartow, Fla.). Even though I did not like the idea, I surrendered myself to Him. And the moment I said yes, the inner churning in my spirit stopped The way I discovered God’s will for my life was through submitting and studying what the Bible had to say about situations similar to my own. The way I learned to obey was through prayer, surrender to God and also by continuing to read about the lives of men and women who gave themselves to be used by God.’

Too many times we try to do it on our own. By depending solely on human solutions and actions we don’t see what God wants for us or what he wants to teach us. And when we only look at things from a human perspective we can’t understand why stuff happens to us.

What is God trying to teach you about yourself and others today so you can live for Him?

Friday, April 3, 2009

More Chicken!

Listening to some of the leaders of the more tax and more spend group in Washington it reminds of the story of the fox(es) and the hen house.

To update the story and bring it to current times, the foxes are already in the hen house and they are telling the farmers that they (the farmers) are to blame for the lack of chickens in the hen house.

So the solution the foxes come up with is for the farmers to provide more chickens for the foxes!

It makes perfect sense to the foxes. As long as the foxes’ needs are taken care of everything is fine. Just throw out a few criticisms of the farmers, when they complain, once in awhile for being greedy and uncaring and everything will be ok.

Hey Barney can I have a leg this time?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


A piece from the book "Goals" by Brian Tracy.

In his famous essay "Compensation," Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that you will always be compensated in life in direct proportion to the value of your contribution. If you want to increase the size of your rewards, you must increase the quality and quantity of your effort. If you want to get more out, you have to put more in. There is no other way.

This applies not only to material and career succes but also to success in relationships. It’s like a savings account. As long as you contribute you will have something to get back. But stop contributing and see what happens when you are looking to get something out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

lie Phone

I saw a commercial the other evening during one of the NCAA playoff games for the iPhone that was promoting the apps available for the iPhone. I believe they stated that they have apps available for almost everything.

For some reason the thought entered my head that I bet they don’t have an app for lying. An app that would help you to tell if someone is lying when they talk to you on your iPhone.

Think of the uses
· Have your teenagers only talk to you on the iphone about their homework, friends, drugs, alcohol, sex and all kinds of stuff.

· Ask your spouse about what happened to the great gift you gave to him / her

· Ask someone you are dating if they are seeing anyone else

· Ask your boss for a promotion or a raise.

But the best thing about this app is that it doesn’t work the opposite way so that no one will know when you are lying.

These features would make it a best seller, don't ya think?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Patience Grasshopper

Have you ever seen yourself in public? Were you proud or embarrassed?

Like many things in life you have to know yourself. First you have to get to a point where you can honestly assess yourself and your good and bad points. Then be willing to admit where you are good and where you need to improve. I know lots of people who can’t / won’t get past this stage.

I witnessed two situations in the last few weeks where I saw myself as I used to be.

#1 – I was in line in a convenience store and the guy ahead of me was rung up and he asked the young clerk what he owed. She didn’t speak but pointed at the screen to indicate the amount. He didn’t understand and asked again what he owed and she pointed again at the screen. I said to him that the amount was on the screen.

He then said to the clerk why didn’t you tell me what I owed instead of pointing. She said something inaudible to me and he immediately stepped aside and began apologizing over and over. While she processed my items he continued to apologize.

#2 – During the same week I was in a department store in the evening where I noticed a number of people in line to check out as I approached the check out area. I picked a line and started to watch to see if any other check out areas were being opened up so I could move to a different line to shorten my wait. This store will add and subtract clerks, as the customer load requires.

The guy ahead of me in line acted impatiently and began to move around to see if another area was open and when he realized it wasn’t he came back in line. I let him get back where he was as I sensed he was a little upset.

As he was moving back to his spot in line he looked at me and said something like this is ridiculous. Can you believe this? I didn’t say anything.

I did think that in both cases I used to be like both of these guys and in many cases worse. Since I have tried to be more like Christ and have asked him to help me to be like him I don’t have as many instances similar to those above like I used to.

And I am a lot happier!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Man Definition

According to Robert Lewis in the Men’s Fraternity book, ‘The Quest for Authentic Manhood’, a real man is one who:

· Rejects passivity
· Accepts responsibility
· Leads courageously
· Expects the greater reward, God’s reward

Would the people who know you best, your family and close friends, say that this describes you?

Only you can change that but by asking God he will help you become this man.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I just got done watching the Louisville vs Siena Collegeville Basketball game. Siena had a real chance to win a game they weren’t expected to win.

Siena had a lot of opportunities at the end of the game but got impatient and out of control. It’s hard to do anything effectively when you are out of control.