Thursday, August 30, 2007

Who is telling you the truth?

My wife has been blogging for a short while and I believe she is very good at it. So when I told her that I had set up a blog she wanted to know the location.

After she read the first few entries she told me it was good. I thanked her because I appreciated the feedback as my wife has been writing and editing for some time.

I was somewhat skeptical, as I have many times told people something was good when I didn’t want to engage in a discussion or didn’t want to justify my position.

I didn’t ask my wife to review the blog with a critical eye or for the purpose of improving my writing. I was simply letting her know it existed.

If I had asked her for more constructive feedback she would have provided it. It’s her nature to be upfront about things. Plus we trust each other a great deal.

Is there someone in your life who will provide you with constructive feedback? Offer unbiased guidance? Hold you accountable? Tell you the truth? Encourage you when you doubt?

If there isn’t, you should find someone to do that. See Proverbs (12:15) The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. And Proverbs (19:20) Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise

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