Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whose story is it?

I received a call today from someone who was asked to participate in a ministry area that would involve teaching and leading. At the same time he was interested in being part of another ministry area doing something he really enjoyed. He pursued the latter situation but it didn’t work out for numerous reasons.

He explained to me that leading and teaching are two of his gifts and this is something he wants to do. He was reminded by his family that he has done this previously and has done it well. Because of these circumstances he recognizes God at work in his life.

Interestingly those of us who lead like to take credit for all kinds of stuff that may not be totally the result of our efforts. I am not referring to the person who called me but to many people who pray for God to work in their ministry area and then seem to forget when God delivers.

How many times have we taken the time to pray and ask God to bless us and guide us in our efforts but when the result we desire occurs we want to take the credit? It’s kinda like we want God to do the heavy lifting and make everything work out so we can take the credit.

I think God is just using us to achieve His ends and because we are human we use our human senses to try to understand Godly things and automatically take the credit. We need to continuously ask God to help us see things as He does so we can better understand how He is working and not look for the credit ourselves.

Let’s continue to talk with God but let’s acknowledge God working.

1 comment:

Frank Chiapperino said...

It is so great to see God working through you and our coach team for groups at CCV. It is also exciting to watch as God calls new leaders into ministry in our church. Thanks for listening to God and encouraging others to do the same.