Friday, February 15, 2013

Is appalling a strong enough word?

On 60 Minutes this past Sunday night three American survivors of the Al Qaeda attack on an Algerian Gas Plant talked about what it was like to experience the terrorist attack. The experience of fear, doubts, wondering if they would see their families again and not knowing what to do or what was going to happen created fear for each.

This January attack followed an earlier attack in September on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, where the American Ambassador and three other Americans were killed in another terrorist attack.

The US Government, specifically President Barak Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, didn’t appear to be concerned with the health and safety of the Americans, dead or alive, in either situation. Even when a US Ambassador in Benghazi was reported under armed attack, with time for the US military to respond, and then killed. If you don't know by now, a politician’s image and reputation is always more important than being linked to problems or being identified as responsible for the problem.

If you or someone you know will be travelling to other countries I would be concerned. The reason is that the Government has shown by its lack of action, concern or involvement that they are not concerned if something happens to you or other Americans including a US Ambassador while you are outside the country. Actually it appears that the US is more concerned about not upsetting the Muslim nations than protecting or defending their own citizens.

But on the other hand if you want more government benefits you will be encouraged by all types of government officials to apply and will be protected by the entire US government including the courts when people who believe in lower government spending and less government want to cut those benefits and other types of government spending in order to get more control of government overspending.

Big Government gets bigger, stronger and more dominant when people depend on it more. And Big Government means you have less choices and less freedom and that government that seems so good now because it gives you benefits is less and less accountable to you and the American citizenry. The end result of this is arrogant and unaccountable or uncontrollable politicians.

Government only cares about itself and will use you and all citizens to achieve the objectives of its agenda whether those goals benefit you or not. So what you think is so great today could end up being terrible for you and your family in the future.

Algeria attack survivors: "You could hear bullets start to hit the side of the bus"

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