Friday, March 1, 2013

What is a Disciple

Morley provides an easy to remember definition of discipleship. He also points out that disciples are pupils or learners not just attenders (of a church for example). Disciples are in the game for the long term. Attenders are not committed and will show up when convenient (I would have come but I couldn't get up early enough). You don't build churches, organizations or movements with the uncommitted. Ask any great leader.
Excerpt from the book ‘Man Alive’ by Pat Morley.
 What is a Disciple? – P70 – 72

The word disciple comes from the Greek word mathetes, which means “pupil” or “learner.” When used in conjunction with Jesus, it came to mean “an adherent to the person and teachings of Jesus.

To be a disciple of Jesus is the highest honor to which a man can aspire. When Jesus called Peter, James, John and the others, He called them to become what? Disciples. When Jesus left earth, the marching orders He left behind are to do what? “Go and make disciples.” (Matthew 28:19)

Discipleship includes both the moment of salvation and the lifelong process of sanctification.

Here’s an easy to remember definition. A disciple is…

·         Called to live in Christ

·         Equipped to live like Christ

·         Sent to live for Christ

Jesus said, “I will show you what he is like who comes to me [called] and hears my words [equipped] and puts them into practice [sent]” (Like 6:47 NIV).

Let’s break this down. First, a disciple is called to profess faith in Jesus Christ and abide in Him. This begins with the evangelism piece, or salvation. Without eternal life, religion doesn’t mean much. I know because I grew up in a “Christian” home that didn’t know Christ. We didn’t reject the good news, because we never heard it. Our church was focused on other things. The results have been devastating. To be called also includes deepening our relationship with Jesus.

Next a disciple is equipped by a process of ongoing spiritual teaching, growth and transformation. To not disciple (train and equip) people who profess Christ will almost always mean they become lukewarm in faith, worldly in behavior, and hypocritical in witness. Evangelism without discipleship is cruel.

Finally, a disciple is sent to live for Christ by becoming part of a community, loving others, bearing much fruit and doing good deeds. We each want to give our lives to a worthy cause. Once you have been with Christ – experienced the joy of His grace, the warmth of His love, the cleansing of the His forgiveness and the indwelling of His spirit – you inevitably come to a point where you can no longer be happy unless you are serving the Lord.

What I most like about this biblical description of becoming a disciple is that it’s actionable. It doesn’t get lost in glittering generalities.  


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