Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mr. Obama, You’re No George Washington!

After reading an opinion piece in the September 7, 2013, Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan I thought that a particular portion of that piece, that I have pasted below, should be titled ‘Mr. Obama you’re no George Washington’.
This idea is adapted from the 1968 Vice Presidential debate where Democratic candidate Senator Lloyd Bentsen said to the Republican challenger, Senator Dan Quayle, ‘…I knew Jack Kennedy (35th US President) and Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy’.

Obviously I didn’t know General Washington but I do know President Obama through his speeches, press conferences and various press reports and I am comfortable stating that President Obama is no General Washington - Unfortunately not only for America but also for the world.
Obama is proving that he is not a strong leader; neither strong in character nor strong in conviction. What makes him most scary is his poor judgment and lack of experience. He is like a five year old playing with a loaded gun. It may be interesting and kind of cool to handle it because you have seen the big boys play with it but you don’t know what to do with it and there is a good chance that that gun will fire and someone will get hurt or killed and many lives will be harmed.

Take the time to go to the piece and read the entire article.

‘Finally, this president showed determination and guts in getting Osama bin Laden. But a Syria strike may become full-scale war. Is Barack Obama a war president? On Syria he has done nothing to inspire confidence. Up to the moment of decision, and even past it, he has seemed ambivalent, confused, unaware of the implications of his words and stands. From the "red line" comment to the "shot across the bow," from the White House leaks about the nature and limits of a planned strike to the president's recent, desperate inclusion of Congress, he has seemed consistently over his head. I have been thinking of the iconic image of American military leadership, Emanuel Leutze's painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware." There Washington stands, sturdy and resolute, looking toward the enemy on the opposite shore. If you imagine Mr. Obama in that moment he is turned, gesturing toward those in the back. "It's not my fault we're in this boat!" That's what "I didn't set a red line" and "My credibility is not at stake" sounded like.’


Noonan: Why America Is Saying 'No'
Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man.


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