Friday, April 17, 2009

Could you handle it?

This past Tuesday I saw a documentary / movie titled ‘The Human Experience’ at Penn State that talked about life issues that disadvantaged people face from the homeless in New York City, children that are in need of care in Peru, HIV Aids infected people in Ghana and a leper colony in Africa have to deal with.

It was informative and moving but what it showed was that life is happening all over the world and it isn’t always good. Our reaction is critical to dealing with the bad hands that we are dealt.

In the film is seen a young boy in Peru with no arms and only one leg who was energetic and enthusiastic and didn’t complain. The same can be said for a man at the leper hospital. No complaints. No whining.

The film team, all in their late teens and early tenties at the time, went with the idea that they may be able to help the people who are disadvantaged and in need but many times they stated that those who appeared to have the problem or the handicap actually taught the members of the film team more.

The one thing that stands out and was heard was how important that faith is.

Makes you want to ask yourself - how strong is your faith?

You should check it out!

1 comment:

Diane Karchner said...

exactly what we experiened in Kenya. The innocent, sweet faith of people in abject poverty was overwhelming to those of us who confessed to have strong faith. Being in the company of the 'grateful-less-fortunates' is probably one of the most humbling experiences I have ever had.