Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Margaret Thatcher's Strength

Margaret Thatcher on Defeating Socialism
Reaganite Republican ^ | February 19, 2011 | Reaganite Republican

Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:16:45 AM by Reaganite Republican

"Trying to cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukemia with leaches"

Much like close friend and fellow happy-warrior Ronald Reagan, British PM Margaret Thatcher loved to take on her liberal opponents... and had a lot of fun doing it. The House of Commons' raucous debate atmosphere also provided an ideal platform that often had Lady Thatcher at her very, very best.

But also as Reagan did, the Iron Lady respected historical precedent... and knew what she was talking about: Thatcher proved it by turning her country around almost single-handedly, establishing an opportunity society that rejected socialist malaise while rewarding performers...

"There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.

People think that at the top there isn't much room. They tend to think of it as an Everest. My message is that there is tons of room at the top.

No-one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well.

I came to office with one deliberate intent: to change Britain from a dependent to a self-reliant society — from a give-it-to-me, to a do-it-yourself nation. A get-up-and-go, instead of a sit-back-and-wait-for-it Britain.

The trouble with socialism is, eventually you run out of other people's money.

To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukemia with leeches.

Socialists cry "Power to the people", and raise the clenched fist as they say it. We all know what they really mean—power over people, power to the State.

Pennies do not fall from heaven... they have to be earned here on earth

My job is to keep Britain from going red "

From freerepublic.com


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