Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Picking the Team

There are lots of ways to pick teams.

When we were kids we usually played team sports like baseball, basketball and football. But before we could play we had to choose teams.

We used a number of methods to determine who picked first. That was critical because with the first pick you were assured of getting the best player and some pretty good players with subsequent picks. The objective being to pick the best team so you would win.

We usually used a method we called ‘choosing sides’ where the captains would face each other and call either odds or evens. Each would throw out their hand and display a number of fingers. It was similar to rock, paper, scissors. If you called even and the total of the fingers shown by both was even then you won and got the first pick.

It’s possible you may need a more sophisticated method to pick your team.

The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania has a one week class titled ‘Creating and Leading High Performance Teams’. Some of the session topics are:

Forming and sustaining successful teams
Aligning Individuals around group goals
Team dynamics
Leading from the front, middle and behind
Experiential learning

The odds are pretty good that you will learn how to pick team members to help achieve the goals you have in mind. Did I mention this session costs $7,850 for the week?

I just think it is interesting that God didn’t use this sophisticated and proven method to pick the CCV team to go to Mexico to build a couple of houses. In fact it seems that all He did was urge us and maybe push some of us a little harder. It was kind of like a heart thing.

If you check out the Bible that is how God worked with most people. He didn’t always recruit the smartest, biggest, strongest or fastest people. He picked the people who would be obedient and do what He wanted.

I believe God picked the team that He wanted to go to Mexico. The team that would build the houses, develop bonds with each other and show His love to the people in Juarez.

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