Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Are The Presidential Debate Reviews Already Written?

Some tips for watching the Presidential Debate tonight, Wednesday, October 3, 2012, between US President Obama and his Republican opponent Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts.
The reporting by the major media, or the ‘main stream media’ as they are referred to, on tonight’s debate will be that:

·         President Obama killed it and cares more about people and Romney doesn’t have a chance because he wants to raise taxes on the middle class to benefit the wealthy.

·         Even if Obama makes a mistake, the media will say that he looked more Presidential than Romney, that he cares more for people and that Romney only cares about raising taxes on the middle class and that all of his policies will benefit the wealthy. Pretty standard boiler plate stuff for Obama and his minions.

·         In the event it appears to the public that Romney is the winner, or at least did better than Obama we won’t hear much about it but the media will probably say that Romney didn’t do as well as he could have or that Obama was at a disadvantage or that Romney still wants to raise taxes on the middle class to benefit the wealthy.

I think the media has just done a similar thing as I have by pre-writing their stories or commentaries before the debate because they know what they are going to say by using some of the stuff that I have used above. This is the standard stuff (DNC talking points) the media has been dispensing since the DNC Convention.
Some advice for you, that I have heard or read on or in the various media sites listed below, that can help you during and after tonight’s debate.

Don’t let the main stream or major media influence you in their attempts to discourage you from voting for Romney. If you only watch the main stream or major media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times and most other major newspapers and many local TV stations) reporting you will always be disappointed because they have made no effort to be fair or to accurately report on what is going on in politics.
Their polling numbers being reported are distorted in many cases because they over sample Democrats and that causes the results to be skewed in favor of Obama. They want Obama to win and they will do whatever it takes to help him get re-elected. To verify this, listen to the reports on all the major networks and media outlets and you will hear them use the same words and themes to describe those opposed to Obama or his philosophy and policies.

And check to see what polls were most accurate and at what point during past elections. Polls conducted now don’t really matter. It’s the polls right before the election that will be the most accurate and that is because the pollsters have to maintain some type of credibility so they can get work in the future.
The way to get a better understanding about what is really going on in America and around the world is to read and listen to media outlets with views in opposition to Obama and the Liberal Progressives and read the opinions and editorials and view the commentaries that appear on the following sites:

The Wall Street Journal

Drudge Report

The Blaze


Glenn Beck – Radio, TV and Internet

Rush Limbaugh – Radio

Michael Medved - Radio

Dennis Prager - Radio


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