Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Raising taxes is not the only solution

In the private sector if a business wants to continue to operate it has to earn a profit. And if it doesn’t, it has three options. Increase sales, reduce costs or increase sales and reduce costs at the same time. Private sector executives will make a decision and take action to resolve the situation.
The politicians currently with the predominance of power say the only way to resolve our budget situation is to increase taxes? So why is it that the politicians aren’t willing to reduce spending?

·         First, they have convinced you that you won’t have to pay for the increased costs of government programs. And they are driving a wedge between you and the wealthy. And now the President is trying to convince you that the millionaires and billionaires in America will end up paying for new programs and costs (their fair share) – but if you investigate these claims you will see that the M’s and B’s don’t have enough wealth or income to pay all of these costs.  You know, I think the Administration has a bridge they want to sell to you. That’s right you are going to have to pay for all these additional costs, if not now then sometime in the near future if we continue on the same path.

·         Second, they are counting on you giving up the fight to lower the taxes that they said they wouldn’t raise to cover the additional programs in the first item above. Plus it won’t only be taxes. Once the government has taken the wealth of the M’s and B’s and it isn’t enough, they know you don’t have the ability or the willingness to resist and fight them as the M’s and B’s did. So they will find ways to take more and more of your wealth and income. By the way these types of things have happened in the past. See the examples of totalitarianism regimes throughout history.

·         Third, the spend-with-no-limit politicians want to spend more money (all government spending is basically used to buy more votes so the politicians get re-elected) and know that you will vote them out of office if they are totally honest with you about what they want to do or spend funds on. Politicians treat you as if you are a mushroom – they keep you in the dark and covered with manure – and then they do everything they can to tell you how great everything is.
What can you or should you do?

·        The way you, your family and friends vote for President in the upcoming US Elections in November is critical.

·        Contact your US Senator and have them demand that the US Senate introduce and pass a balanced budget bill. The US Senate has refused to introduce and vote on a budget bill for three years. The reason for this is that the Senate Majority Leader doesn’t want his members on record as in favor of increased spending. The US House has passed a budget bill and the President will ultimately have to sign a mutually agreed upon bill.

·        Look at the proposed direction of the US for the next four years and realize that America will not become stronger by continuing to give more and more money to those who don’t or won’t work and by providing benefits and special treatment to certain groups. This only makes people weaker if they are not expected to work or to stand up for themselves. It produces planned dependence. The US becomes stronger when we have stronger people. People who are not severely challenged should be expected to contribute to the economy of the country. These are people who take responsibility for themselves and their country. Contact your US Senators and US Representatives and ask that they pass legislation to this effect.

·        Do the same things at the State and Local levels if the same problems are occurring there. One of the reasons there may not be a problem in these areas is that most, if not all, states have balanced budget requirements where government cannot operate without a balanced budget.
The future is in your hands and you can help to set the right direction or the wrong direction.


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