Friday, February 22, 2008

Big Enough to see How Small He is

This line is from the movie ‘3:10 to Yuma’ starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. It’s a western and was really a good movie.

But the more I think about that line the more I realize what a great line it is. Man can I think of a lot of people that I have known that need to start thinking like this about themselves.

There was this arrogant Sales Manager I used to work for who wanted everything done his way.

That brainiac kid in high school with the attitude that he was better than everyone else and who went to MIT or Cornell.

A high school friend who seemed to be good at all sports and always loved to beat me at whatever we played.

And that recent President who runs around telling everyone to tell the truth when he was indicted and convicted because he didn’t.

How about almost all the politicians I’ve seen or heard.

These people really reach me! If you knew some of the guys I grew up with you would have the same attitude.

What’s that you say? Maybe I should be on this list? What are you talking about?

I don’t think I understand why you would have that attitude. I love people. It’s just that there are some I don’t like. That’s life, right?

I’m a decent, humble guy. Ask the people who know me. Check with the people at church where I volunteer.

So you're telling me that if I have to say that I’m humble, then I’m not. Now you’re starting to twist my words around. What’s the matter with you?

You know there was a time when I used to think and act that way most of the time. But since I have come to know Jesus, and have a desire to be like Him, I don’t act that way as often and I try to do things that are more like He would want me to do them. What a life changer!

It can be that way for you too. Check Him out.

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