Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ordering a Medium at Starbucks

Ordering a Medium at Starbucks

We visited with our daughter and her Fiancée in New York City a few weeks ago. They have lived in NYC for about four years and truly love it.

They love the city, they love to explore it and they love to experience it. There are a lot of cool things there that they have taken us to see and experience although on most trips there I am a little uncomfortable. I’m ok with just an occasional visit.

It was a fun trip as first we spent some time talking with them in their apartment and got caught up on their lives that are pretty hectic right now.

Next we went to Pete’s Tavern for lunch and discussed lots of stuff and then went to the building where they are getting married in the fall. It’s not a church but a renovated warehouse. And the day we were there they were shooting a movie or TV show at that building so we couldn’t see the entire building.

Prior to getting on the subway for the visit to that building, we stopped at Starbucks to get something to drink. Everyone there was ordering a something, something, something with two shots of something, something.

I don’t go to Starbucks very often, I’m sure you can’t tell that so I figured I would order in American rather than in Starbuckese. A little Intergalactic, don’t you think?

I ordered a medium, unsweetened iced green tea. Some people looked at me but most weren’t interested in what I was ordering. I think the Yankees hat threw them off.

I just thought it was interesting that I could use language that was different than what they were accustomed to in their world and there were no repercussions but when someone comes in to our world we get upset and sometime down right offended because they don’t know or use the terms we do.

What was it that the Apostle Paul said? When in Starbucks do as the Starbuckians do! I think there is a corollary here and that is when the Starbuckians come to visit us don’t insist they know or use your language.

Warp speed, Mr. Spock.

1 comment:

katenyc2008 said...

you fit right in Dad!