Tuesday, August 24, 2010


From the ‘Strategic Living’ Newsletter


Dr. Phil's web site has a section titled "Taking Responsibility for Your Life." In that section, he makes this statement: "Define your payoffs: you're getting something from your behavior, or else you wouldn't do it!"

Oftentimes, we behave certain ways because we think we are getting a payoff: being accepted, being comfortable, showing others who's boss, etc. But, acceptance, comfort and confidence can have many counterfeits. They may appear to satisfy a need but only produce relational strife, underperformance and isolation. Consider setting a goal to be real and experience authentic joy - free from the games and masks that go on every day in every setting. "What is the end game" you may ask: How about higher vocational performance, more satisfying relationships with friends and family, ability to go deeper spiritually. Why is that? Because in living an authentic life, you will begin to eliminate baggage, focus on the right things, and be able to increase your effectiveness in working with people.”


The authentic life is being real, being who you are. You can stop pretending to be who or what you aren’t. Becoming authentic can be a challenge but in the long run it is worth it. I think it was Shakespeare who said ‘to thine own self be true.’

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