Thursday, August 5, 2010

What's it all about?

There is an old song with a line ‘What’s it all about, Alfie?’

Replace ‘Alfie’ with your name and try to answer that question for yourself. What’s it all about for you?

What did you come up with? Is it all about,

Your job or your career?
Your business?
Your Investments?
Your favorite sports team?
Your house or vacation house?
Your kids?
Your spouse?
Your conquests?
Your achievements?

Notice the word common to each line. Yea, I did set it up that way but to try to get you to see a point.

Most of what we pursue is for our own joy, satisfaction or pleasure. This stuff won’t last forever or, in the case of your family, they won’t always do what you want, or be there.

There are opportunities more enduring that can provide you with more satisfaction and enjoyment. You can even feel some accomplishment all when you do things for others.

It will require some changes. And you won’t be a wimp doing stuff for others. It requires courage, leadership and discipline. Requires you to become more of a man or woman.

But you can do it! There is someone who can help you do it.

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