Monday, November 22, 2010

Blog Topics

I get lots of ideas for blog posts most days. For me the difficulty is spending the time to write the idea down, think it through, determine the important points and arrive at some kind of conclusion.

Over the weekend my wife and I were traveling and we had lots of time to talk. We usually talk about lots of stuff every week. Some of the topics include families, jobs, friends, finances, future plans, travel, health,sports, spirituality, donations, economics, travel, challenges, business, politics, sex, volunteering, etc. Usually nothing is off limits.

Our discussions don’t always follow the order of the items above but we usually cover most or all of these topics at least weekly and sometimes more frequently. Some times the discussion is polite and civil and sometimes it gets a little heated because we both have some views on topics that are in opposition to each other.

An interesting aspect of our discussions is that many times one idea leads to another and this to another and then to another.

My wife is a good discussion partner (in discussing what word to use here we both thought ‘foil’ may not be understandable to all) because she is well read, a good thinker and a quick processor. Many times she asks questions that I haven’t thought about or challenges my ideas and conclusions. That isn’t always fun because if I like what I am writing and think it is really good I don’t want to be questioned or challenged.

So what’s the point of all this? I am finding that some days I have good ideas and some I don’t. Some days it is easy to write about a topic and some it is hard. And some days there’s nothing there.

I have gained a greater respect and appreciation for writers who can successfully craft a piece or a book that is interesting and flows well and keeps your interest.

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