Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Have a positive impact

About a month ago I had a discussion with a friend about one of his children who was running for an office in a school group. Sounded like there was some trepidation on the child’s part because it was a new school, I think, and all that being the new kid brings with it but a real desire to see this through.

Saw that friend today and found out the child had lost the election but all is well.

As adults many of us realize that that first election or recital, game, event is or can be just a stepping stone to more elections, more achievement and more success for the child if handled properly. Handling properly is the parent’s responsibility and that includes encouragement, teaching and support. The power and influence that a parent has with a child is enormous.

So if you don’t do the positive the other options are apathy or negativity. Choosing either of these just creates more problems for the child and the parents in relationships and development.

A great example of the positive behavior is displayed in the Bible when God spoke to Moses to encourage him that he could lead the Jews out of slavery in Egypt. And then when Moses was succeeded by Joshua. God and Moses both said to Joshua several times ‘Be strong and courageous!’.

If you didn’t get the positive piece from your parents or other important people in your life then learn from the positive that God and Jesus displayed. Don’t continue the problem. Learn to be a part of the solution.

What you say and do has a great impact on your children and those you lead.

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