Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Learning economics from Seinfeld.

Many people are Seinfeld fans. When I hear people discussing the old episodes that are playing in reruns on cable channels most of the time I only hear about the humor that is gained or recognized in the episodes.

Now some economists have created websites that explain economics by using episodes of Seinfeld. I read about this at ‘Economics: Using Seinfeld to Teach the Dismal Science’ at Bloomberg Businessweek.

There are discussions about:

• The Soup Nazi being a monopolist
• Elaine and the contraceptive sponge
• George joining the book club to impress a girl
• Jerry bartering away the intellectual property rights
• And 200 other scenes at the site referenced

Economics may not get any easier or understandable but you will probably enjoy some of your favorite episodes as well as see things from a different perspective.

Here are the sites. You can comment at the sites if you choose.

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