Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Make a wise choice

Yesterday I was in a meeting with some co workers when a disagreement broke out with some pretty heated exchanges. The two people involved have known each other for some time and work together well, normally. As is usually the case things eventually settled down but there was some discomfort for all in the room for awhile.

While this disagreement was occurring I started to wonder if I was going to have to choose a side to support. Usually that is not the best approach as you become an enemy of the party you oppose at worst, or strain your relationship with that person at best.

It occurred to me almost immediately after having the thought above that I need to choose to side with Jesus as I profess Him as my Lord and proclaim that I want to be more like Him. God said He first wants us to love Him and then to ‘love others as we love ourselves’ but unless we work at it I don’t think that will happen.

Too many times in the past I have chosen a side in a dispute and lost a friend or ended up in a long term disagreement that was very uncomfortable for all as everyone knew that eventually something would happen or something would be said that would cause the peace to be interrupted.

I am glad that God helps me to understand how to deal with these situations by helping me to remember some scripture that gets me to focus on Him. My reminder was from Psalms.

But what was it He said in Matthew? Something like ‘blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God’. By focusing on how and what the world does we lose sight of what God wants us to do and we become less effective in being examples of Christ.

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