Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Definition of Manhood – Principle 6

From the Book ‘The Resolution for Men’ by Stephen and Alex Kendrick and Randy Alcorn – from Chapter 4, Be a Man of Responsibility.

A Man Recognizes His Accountability

‘All of life’s privileges, blessings and freedoms that come with responsibility also come with a counterweight called accountability. Having no accountability always leads to irresponsibility. But Jesus explained that we will each stand before God one day and be held accountable for how we lived. Our actions not only have immediate consequences but eternal ones as well.
Everything in a man’s thinking changes when he realizes that he is only one heartbeat away from having to stand before God and give an account for his life.

The first thing this awakens in him is a question about his spiritual readiness for that coming day. Are you ready to meet God?
…We must take full responsibility for ourselves, our wives and our children. We must seek and discover God’s will. We are responsible for obeying the commands of Christ. This is what we will be held accountable for.

And preparing for that day is why we should become accountable to one another. We should surround ourselves with godly men who will help us prepare to be found faithful. Men, who have permission to ask us the tough questions, keep tabs on our spiritual condition and speak the truth into our lives, even when we don’t want to hear it. We need to be reading the Scripture daily, studying it deeply and obeying it willingly as an ongoing lifestyle.
Accountability dynamically helps make us into men – humble, wise, responsible, faithful men.’

My Thoughts

Men are designed to be responsible and as indicated above accountability comes with responsibility. To help us deal with the responsibility we need Christian men in our lives to help us be accountable. The decision to be accountable is one you have to make for you and your family and you shouldn’t wait. Time is finite. It is limited.
Your accountability partner can be a Christian man or Christian men you know in your age category or find some older Christian men to help you along the journey. A man or men you and others, that you know, respect. The simplest way to do it is just to invite a man out for coffee or lunch or to hit golf balls or for a walk or to do something that interests him.

Ask him questions about himself and find out some of his interests. Just start talking about things you have in common and build a friendship. You may need to do this several times before you begin to ask him how he does or would handle a situation similar to what you are dealing with. Don't be in a hurry. (If it is very serious contact a pastor or a counselor.) You don’t have to ask him to mentor you or be your accountability partner just tell him you would like to get to know him better.
And as this happens you can decide if he is the one you want to help you with accountability. Then explain your situation and where you need accountability and ask if he will be your accountability partner.

If you don’t think he is the one then find another man and go through the process again. And again until you find someone. For the man who you don't think would work for you but might work with someone that you know suggest to each of these men that you know someone they should meet and arrange to introduce them. See, this is also part of the responsibility and it is simple.

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