Monday, July 2, 2012

Possible Blog Topics

Topics that I have heard discussed, read about or thought about during the past few days that I am considering blogging about.

·      Changes that the Phillies should make to their roster this year and what is causing their problems. Should the view be short term or long term?

·         The bottleneck in public education and related  issues

·         Thoughts and feelings about US healthcare

·         Ruling by Chief Justice of SCOTUS John Roberts on the health care law

·        Reposting my previous blogs about Joe Paterno and Penn State with additional comments in light of e-mails just being disclosed

·         Comparing the fall of the Roman Empire with the current state of the US. Many similarities

·        Do US politicians want to make the US and its citizens better and stronger, control them or just gain power and wealth for themselves?

·     When an authoritative leader uses his position power to coerce and intimidate followers or employees (examples – Joe Patterno , the cult leader from the show the Mentalist et al)

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