Monday, July 9, 2012

A Definition of Manhood – Summary

From the Book ‘The Resolution for Men’ by Stephen and Alex Kendrick and Randy Alcorn – from Chapter 4, Be a Man of Responsibility.

Summary of the Definition of Manhood

These seven attributes need to be developing in every young man during his teenage years. And these are the attributes we should be embracing as grown men, too, for there is eternal significance behind each of them. God wants men to be strong spiritually, mature spiritually and be able to lead and care for others spiritually in the family of God. Living as responsible men on a physical level prepares us to be faithful men on a spiritual level, where it matters most.
So if you haven’t been serious or deliberate about it before, it’s time! Accept your masculinity, being ‘strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might’ (Ephesians 6:10).

Put away your childishness, embrace your own responsibilities and be faithful to everything that is under your care. Seek your parents’ counsel, but don’t think you cannot live without their help and approval. Lead your family with courage and live every day bearing God’s image and bringing Him honor knowing you will one day be held accountable before Him. This is not just our call as men of resolution; this is our call as men.
If you’re like most of us, you may feel overwhelmed by a deep sense of inadequacy but actually this is right where God wants you. He knows that on our own none of us has what it takes to be consistently responsible. We fail miserably without His help. He never compromises the standards but He calls us to our knees so He can help us live up to them by the power of Christ. We must surrender ourselves to Him and learn to rely daily on His wisdom, strength and grace. And when we fall short, He offers us truckloads of mercy as we confess it to Him.

By His grace we don’t have to live in failure. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! This is how we live as men. This is how responsibility becomes victory!’

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