Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Definition of Manhood – Principle 5

From the Book ‘The Resolution for Men’ by Stephen and Alex Kendrick and Randy Alcorn – from Chapter 4, Be a Man of Responsibility.

A Man Can Lead a Family Faithfully

…Having the responsibility necessary to start and faithfully lead a family is a clear attribute of manhood.
Manhood does not mean you should marry, but you should be able to.  There is nothing wrong with waiting to get married, but many men delay it for decades because they are so immature.

If you are a single man, you should already be learning and locking down the character qualities necessary for marriage and parenting in your heart right now.  And if you’re already married, it’s time to live them out on a daily, diligent basis.
Furthermore, if you are raising a son, you should be teaching him – by your words and actions – the roles and responsibilities of a husband and a father. Show him how to love and provide for a woman, as well as how to train and lead his children. Pursue with him the goal that by the time he reaches twenty, he will already be mature enough to get married if he chooses. Then whenever he does, he will readily assume his position as leader, a man who will protect and provide for his family in every necessary way. He won’t be flying blind or needing you to handle everything for him. He will be a man. Ready to step up to the plate and hit the long ball and he will join you in considering it his privilege to lead his family well.

My Thoughts

I think the most glaring oversight in this section titled ‘A Man Can Lead a Family faithfully’ is the lack of references to daughters. A man’s relationship with his daughter is very important to her and her future and will impact her relationships with men throughout her life.
This relationship or lack of relationship between you and your daughter can cause your daughter to be happy and secure or unhappy, insecure and full of doubts.

As a father you have a responsibility to raise your sons and or daughters to become responsible and productive adults so that they can raise their children the same way.
Our children learn a great deal from us by what we model. Take the time to learn how to model being a father to your sons and daughters. It’s never too late to do the right thing. Your children’s future and your legacy are in the balance.

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