Thursday, August 2, 2012

Getting Closer

Worship music has a big impact on me. I have gone through the process explained below many times and felt closer to God because this helped me to focus on Him.

Prior to you reading this post any further I would like you to ‘participate’ in the process outlined in the post.

Preferably you should go somewhere where you can be alone and where there are no disturbances like family, phones, internet, TV, video games, noise, etc. You know what I mean.

Before doing anything else open another version of your Explorer / Browser and go to either of the sites below and choose a song to play:

Play the first song titled ‘Savior King’ by Hillsong on this album

or, you can go to the 16:40 mark of ‘For All You’ve Done’ and play this song or the song at 24:16.

While either song is playing read the rest of the post. Try to read it slowly and listen to the music in the background.

I think that either song should be played during a communion time. The type of song that allows the participants in communion to contemplate Jesus and the sacrifice that He made for us. What he means to us and how thankful we should be for Him and His commitment to us before we were born.
Take the time to thank Him. Say it out loud. Say it with meaning. Say it with love. Say it to Him as if He were standing next to you.

Repeat His holy name. Jesus……… Jesus…………….. Jesus…………………… Say it slowly.
Think about Him dying on the cross while you are standing there. You are watching the life leave His body. Hear His last breath. Hear all the other sounds. What does it look like? What does it smell like?

And rejoice as you realize He then rises from the dead. He has conquered death so we can live in eternity with Him if we choose.
Celebrate Jesus.

Play the song(s) a few more times and listen to the words more closely and be thankful. Why don’t you sing the words? Sing to God.
Read some Bible verses.

Offer praises and Thanks to God.
You can do this as often as you like.

I hope this has the impact on you that it does on me.

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