Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Advice to young women

There is plenty of advice out there on finding a mate. There are plenty of Internet sites and dating services. You probably need to consider how much experience the person giving you the advice has in this area.

Wisdom, which is necessary in this selection process, can come from many sources. You need to always consider the source and use your instincts also.

I tend to question things and don’t always rush to be the first at doing something. I think this gives me an opportunity to consider the advice ‘in context’ meaning what other advice have I received from a person and how accurate or helpful has it been.

Below is a piece from the book ‘Finish Strong’ by Steve Farrar on page 133 where Farrar was asked by a group of young women ‘…what one trait should we look for in a potential husband?’

This book is geared to men and by reading it in its entirety you will understand more of the context and get the benefit of Farrar’s wisdom that has been gained over many years. Women this will help you understand more about men if you are interested.

Farrar, an author and founder of Men;s Leadership Ministries, and his wife were speaking to college students at a conference in Colorado when he was asked this question.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I said, “The one trait you ought to look for in a potential husband is…teachability. Because if you find a guy who has a teachable spirit he is going to be OK. All of us guys have rough edges, and some of us are rougher than others. But a teachable guy will listen to you input. He’ll be a big enough man to admit he’s got a lot of room for improvement. More importantly, he will be open to input from the Holy Spirit. He’ll know how to humble himself before the Lord. A teachable guy is a guy who will grow up in Christ. If you find a guy like that, ladies, snap him up.’

Farrar will be in Maryland in October and Hershey, PA in March 2011. Check his web site:

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