Saturday, September 11, 2010

An "I" problem?

Two ducks and a frog hung out at the pond in farmer Brown’s field. One summer, however, a drought caused the pond to dry up. For the ducks, able to fly elsewhere, this was no problem. But the frog, knowing he would literally croak if he didn’t find water soon, said to the ducks, “I’m in trouble here. But I’ve got a plan. You guys hold a stick in your bills, and I’ll jump up and grab it with my mouth. Then you start flying. I’ll hang on. And we’ll keep going until we find another pond.”

The ducks said, “Sure. Sounds good.” So they put a stick between their bills. The frog jumped up and grabbed it tightly in his mouth. The ducks began to flap their wings, and suddenly the trio was airborne.

Taking in the whole scene, farmer Brown watched in amazement below. “What a brilliant idea.” He said. “I wonder who thought of it?” – to which the frog opened his mouth wide and proudly answered, “I di-.”

Pride says, “Look what I did!” It’s an “I” problem.

Source: Jon Courson’s ‘Applicatiion Commentary – New Testament’

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