Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's what you believe

Watching the Phillies and Braves on Monday night I was made aware of a peculiar habit of the Rookie Pitcher for the Braves. It was more than a peculiar habit, it was a superstition.

Between innings the pitcher would unlace and lace his spikes.

I believed in superstitions while playing sports when I was growing up. I didn’t play organized football but we played a lot of touch football. I had a Purdue Univ football jersey that I liked to wear every time we played. I thought it made me play better.

I just think it is interesting that pro athletes that are blessed with such great talent and great ability believe in superstitions. Wearing the same socks or, not stepping on the lines, carrying a good luck charm or loosening and tightening their batting gloves after every pitch or slapping a sign that says 'play like a champion today' are just a few of the many superstitions.

Even Michael Jordan had a superstition. He always wore his blue North Carolina basketball shorts under his Chicago Bulls uniform for good luck.

I tend to think that it is a habit that athletes grow up with or maybe it is just a part of the culture of sports.

Is the superstition necessary to play well, to play the best you can or to win? Whatever it is the athlete believes the superstition helps them perform and maybe that's all that matters.

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