Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Men only

Being a man is not always easy unless of course you always plan to take the easy way, the way of least resistance, not taking responsibility or not being accountable for your actions or lack of actions.

But if you are the kind of man who wants to be better at being a man and wants to develop and or improve those things that make you a better man then the way to do that is by associating with men who have accepted the responsibility, not ignored their obligations and commitments, live with integrity and are men of character.

Iron sharpens iron is not an empty phrase and you can sharpen yourself by attending the Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Seminar on Saturday, October 2, 2010, at Mountain Chrurch in the Baltimore area.

Steve Farrar, best selling author and speaker, is one of the keynote speakers. Steve has worked with men all over the country and can help you on your journey as a man. In addition there are break out sessions where you can learn more in many different areas that impact men.

Opportunities like this don’t happen frequently and especially at this price. I suggest you change any plans you have for that day and plan to attend. If you are like me, most of what you are doing can be done another day. Bring a friend or group of friends with you.

If you are interested in travelling together contact me at ekarchner@hotmail.com

For more information and to sign up go to: https://ironsharpensiron.net/conference-details.php?conference=168

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